Scroll down for everything you need to know for having the best time at Legacy Cheer and Dance events!

Event Schedules
Because there are often changes to performing teams right up until just before (and sometimes during!) events, we cannot publish detailed schedules of which teams will perform at what times until close to the event dates. What we can provide are General Schedules of which age groups and divisions will perform on what days, so you know what day(s) to purchase tickets and to arrange travel for.
You can view General Schedules for each of our events on the relevant Event Page:
If you are unsure which division your athlete is in, or need further guidance, please communicate with a Coach/Staff Person at your Gym who will be able to guide you.
These will be issued for each event around 1-2 weeks before the event start date. They will be in PDF format and you can download them from the relevant Event page via the links above.
Purchasing Spectator Tickets
At Legacy, we highly recommend pre-ordering your Spectator Tickets. Spectator tickets may be purchased by individuals directly from our online shop, during dates of the year when ticket sales are live.
We encourage all spectators to purchase in advance where possible to guarantee and ease your entry to the event on the day. Online ticket sales for each event will close approximatelyĀ one week before the event commences. Don't miss out!
If your Cheerleading Programmes/Gym/Studio is entering more than one Legacy event this season, starting on the second event, the programme may be able to get discounts by purchasing all the spectator tickets needed for their entire programme in a bulk order. If your gym is using this method, you should speak to the Coach/Staff Person responsible at your gym for organising this. Group orders can only be placed by Coaches and only 1 order per Programme per Event. If that's you, start your group order here (note this page is for coaches only).
Spectator tickets can also be purchased at the event, however these are subject to availability and there can be queues at peak entry periods, so we recommend buying online in advance if you are able to.
If you are purchasing at the event, we encourage cashless methods where possible, e.g. credit/debit card, Google Pay, Apple Pay, etc.
We get a lot of queries about spectator tickets. If you have any questions about your tickets for an event, please use the buttons below to check our FAQs and full ticketing policies and information to find your answer before contacting us. Thank you.
Merchandise and Photography
These are special moments when you get to watch your athlete perform with their team mates and be rewarded for their hard work - and yours in getting them there!
At Legacy, we offer a range of options for you to capture these memories.....
We have professional sports photographers on site at all of our events. There may be a kiosk on-site where you can view images on the day and purchase prints which you can take home with you, or you can view all images online via their website using a code.
You can also view and purchase photos after the event via the photographers website.
We will provide all the information you need via our communication channels. You can also ask your Coach/Gym Staff as well for this information.
At each event we have a Merchandise Store where you can purchase a wide range of event memorabilia, including hoodies, t-shirts, pin badges, medals, replica award banners, and more.
We also do special Event-Specific t-shirts with the names of all Programmes performing at the event on the back. These are available via pre-order to pick up at the event, or can be purchased online after the event for a limited time.
Missed out at the event? We also have a Web Store where you can purchase items online and have them delivered to your door!
Have an issue with any merch items you have purchased? Click HERE to see our Returns Policy and information on how to contact us regarding merchandise issues.
Photo and video capture is part of our everyday lives. We believe it is an important part of capturing precious memories with friends and loved ones, including in sport and at Legacy Cheer and Dance events, however to ensure the safety of the young people present at our events, we do have some restrictions on photography at our events.
The following photo policy is in effect at all Legacy events:
Legacy Cheer and Dance and it's security teams DO allow for non-commercial pictures and videos only to be taken at Legacy Cheer and Dance events, within the following limitations:
- On arena floor level at all of our events, the ONLY cameras permitted, without an official Legacy Media Pass, are mobile phone cameras or tablet devices with built in cameras.
- Anyone using DSLR, digital cameras, zoom lense cameras, video cameras, etc, must obtain and be wearing at all times a valid Legacy Media Pass.
- Per strict venue contracts, standard Child Protection policies, and Legacy Cheer and Dance policies, commercial photography/video of any kind outside the designated provider is strictly prohibited.
- Individuals representing themselves or any company may not take photos/videos of athletes for the purposes of selling them during or after an event. Persons and/or companies may not sell or distribute in trade photos that they took at a Legacy Cheer and Dance event either on-site or at any time after the event via social media, emails, or any other format in perpetuity.
- Violating this policy can render penalties including but not limited to removal from the event by security teams without refund or recourse, being banned from future events without recourse, and potential legal action or financial penalties.
Bottom line: Simply taking pictures for your own purposes on your phone and/or sending pictures to your friends from your phone is fine, but photos/videos taken by spectators, athletes, coaches, or anyone at a Legacy Cheer and Dance event may not be sold at any time. Please report violations to [email protected].
At all times, Legacy Cheer and Dance and it's venue team and security teams reserve the right to request inspection of images on any camera for any reason, including for the purposes of discernment and measurement against our Child Protection Policy. Shall any audience member witness another photographing athletes or anyone in any questionable format that is potentially un-related to normal practices in capturing memories of the day, there is an obligation to report any potential threat to any Legacy Cheer and Dance staff member, a hired security person, and/or the event directors. Upon inspection of photos in a questionable scenario, if any are deemed inappropriate, outside of the scope of the sport, a threat to health and safety, or a potential violation of the child protection policy at the sole discretion of the Head of Security or the Legacy Cheer and Dance Event Manager, the photos will be immediately deleted. We reserve the right to simply ask that the camera be put away for the remainder of the event, and we also reserve the right to remove the person from the event entirely, or to call authorities in extreme situations.
The safety and wellbeing of the young people in our sport is of primary important to Legacy Cheer and Dance.
If you ever have any Safeguarding questions, want information about how to respond to concerns you have about a child (either at our events, or generally), or wish to flag a concern, head to our Legacy Safe Page for all the information you need.