Welcome to the Legacy Scoring Page!
**ANNOUNCEMENT** (Added 18th December 2024): For the 2024/25 Season, for IASF CHEERLEADING WORLDS DIVISIONS ONLY (those listed on page 10 of the SportCheer UK Age Grid), Legacy will now use the IASF Scoresheet at ALL events in 2025.
This is where we’ll make the often-confusing process of scoring, safety rules, and deductions simpler for you :-)
Quick Links
Legacy Cheer & Dance is a United Scoring Partner.
The United Scoring system will be used for all of the following divisions:
- Novice Cheer Divisions
- AllStar Prep Cheer Divisions
- AllStar Elite Cheer Divisions
- IASF Cheer Divisions (excluding Cheerleading Worlds divisions)
- Masters Cheer Divisions
- School & University Cheer Divisions
- Adaptive Abilities Divisions
- All Dance Divisions (including Prep Dance)
Some divisions DO NOT use the United Scoring system for performance scores - scroll down for details on these divisions below:
- Cheerleading Worlds Divisions (those listed on page 10 of the SportCheer UK Age Grid) - these use the relevant IASF Scoresheet from HERE.
- Cheer Abilities Divisions
- Stunt Group Divisions
- Solo Divisions (both Cheer and Dance)
SportCheer UK Division Rules
> LINK: SportCheer UK Age Grid
Legacy Cheer & Dance follows the SportCheer UK Divisions & Age Grid rules. This document lays out the following, which must be adhered to at Legacy competitions to avoid penalties:
- Athlete age limits
- Number of athletes on team
- Gender of athletes on team
- Athlete crossover limits/restrictions
- Routine time limits
Note that at Legacy events, an athlete MAY NOT crossover onto a team that is competing in the same division as their first team (i.e. an athlete may not compete against themselves).
At Legacy events, athletes competing in Adaptive Abilities or Cheer Abilities divisions MAY crossover into any other division type at the same event.
United Scoring Summaries & Rubrics
> LINK: United Scoring Partners
The link above takes you to the United Scoring Partners webpage which contains PDF documents detailing each of the following:
- Master Score Sheets: These provide a summary of the total scores possible in each routine element and on the scoresheet overall. These versions don't contain detail - to see detailed versions of Legacy-specific Scoresheets, scroll further down this page.
- Scoring Rubrics: These break down the performance requirements in each routine element and the associated scores based on performance observed. (For CHEER see the 'United Kingdom' section. For DANCE, see the 'United Dance Scoring System' section.)
- Level Appropriate Documents: These specify the skills that should be performed at each level in order to achieve the scores indicated in the rubrics.
- Deductions: See below.
> LINK: United Scoring Partners
The United Scoring Deductions system is used for ALL divisions (both Cheer and Dance) at Legacy Cheer & Dance events.
Visit the link above, under 'Deduction System' for Cheer, and under 'United Dance Scoring System' for Dance.
These documents specify the point values that will be deducted from a teams overall score based on the number of infractions observed during the routine.
The Legality/Rule Infractions listed are the point values deducted based on infractions of the Safety Rules, specified below.
EXCEPTION: Cheerleading Worlds Divisions, using the IASF Scoresheet, will use the IASF Deductions - these can be found in the Scoring section on this page.
Safety Rules
> LINK: IASF Cheer Legality Rules
> LINK: IASF Dance Rules
Legacy uses the IASF Safety Rules, linked above, for ALL divisions, including Stunt Groups & Solos. The exceptions are Adaptive Abilites and Cheer/Dance Abilities divisions (scroll down for details on those divisions), and the Prep Dance divisions (see the Dance Scoring section for clarification on those).
The Legality Rules specify the rules that must be followed at each level in order to avoid penalties. Each time a team is observed to break these rules during their performance, they will incur Deductions, as per the point values specified in the Deductions information linked above.
Note the new deduction added for the 2024/25 season under 'Image Policy' for 'USASF Athletic Performance Standards (APS)'. Legacy judges will utilise guidelines as per these standards and issue deductions accordingly, where neccesary.
Dance Scoring
> LINK: United Scoring Partners
> LINK: IASF Dance Rules
For Scoring and Deductions, Legacy uses the United Dance Scoring System linked above. See the section 'United Dancing Scoring System' at the bottom of the webpage linked.
For Dance rules, the IASF Dance Rules apply for all Dance divisions (exception: Prep Dance (see below) and Adaptive Abilites Dance and Dance Abilities have amendments to the Safety rules - see below for details on those divisions).
New to the SCUK Grid this year, these are emegent divisions which are yet to have scoring guidelines within the UK scoring systems. As such, for this season Legacy will use the same United Dancing Scoring System, All Star Dance Score Sheet, but with limited score ranges as per the Reference Sheet below. Legality/Safety rules for Prep Dance divisions will be from the USASF Dance Rules for the Prep Tier (as linked from the SportCheer UK Age Grid). See this document pages 4 & 5 and the top of page 6.
Each age group and the Prep divisions scores are limited to within specified ranges, as per the 'Scoring Reference Sheet' found on the United Scoring website (and linked via the button below as well for ease).
Click to View United Scoring Dance Reference Sheet for Prep & Age RangesAdaptive Abilities & Cheer/Dance Abilities
For Adaptive Abilities Cheer, these divisions use the relevant United Scoring rubric, however they use a special combination of rules from different sources for safety/legality.
For Adaptive Abilties Dance divisions, the All Star United Dance Scoring System is used, the same as other Dance divisions.
For Cheer Abilities teams opting to compete in these divisions, we use the ICU Special Abilities/Special Olympics scoring system, but with the 'Cheer' element removed.
Dance Abilities competitive divisions use the same United Scoring Dance Scoring System, as for all dance divisions.
Safety rules for all the above are the IASF rules as linked above BUT with the addition of specialty rules from the ICU. Where the ICU division specific rules disagree with the IASF rules, the ICU rules will take precedence.
Click the button below to download Legacy's guidance document which lays out the Special Rules that apply to these divisions.
Click to download Specialty Rules document for 2024/25 SeasonStunt Groups & Solo/Duo Scoring
Legacy uses our own bespoke scoring system for Stunt Groups, Partner Stunt and Solo/Duos.
Safety Rules for Partner Stunt, Stunt Groups and Cheer & Dance Solos are the same as for the other divisions - using the IASF Safety rules and United Scoring Deductions documents listed above for Cheer / Dance.
These same rules and scoring will apply, whether the divisions are run live in-person or virtually.
Scoring Calculation
Scores at Legacy Cheer and Dance events will be calculated as follows:
- “Raw Score” means points scored based on performance observed, excluding Infractions/Deductions.
- "Averaged Score" is the average of those scores that are averaged across 3 judges.
- "Raw Score Max" is the total points possible for that particular division.
United Scoring (Cheer):
((Raw Score + Averaged Score) / Raw Score Max) x 100 = TOTAL TEAM SCORE (% of perfection).
United Scoring (Dance):
(Raw Score / Raw Score Max) x 100 = TOTAL TEAM SCORE (% of perfection).
TOTAL TEAM SCORE – Deductions and Safety Infractions = FINAL COMPETITION SCORE
The FINAL COMPETITION SCORE is what is used to determine rankings.
Team A is a U12 Level 2 team with a Raw Score Max of 50. They score a total of 37.3 for their direct scores. Their Routine Creativity & Showmanship scores, which are averaged, are scored as 3.5, 3.5 and 2.5 by the three judges, giving them an averaged score of 3.17. They incur 1.05 points of deductions. Their final competition score will be:
- (37.3 + 3.17) / 50 = 0.8094 x 100 = 80.94% TOTAL TEAM SCORE
- 80.94 – 1.05 = 79.89 FINAL COMPETITION SCORE
Team B is an Youth Prep Level 1 team with a Raw Score Max of 42.5. They score a total of 35.2 for their direct scores. Their Routine Creativity & Showmanship scores, which are averaged, are scored as 3.6, 3.5 and 3.6 by the three judges, giving them an averaged score of 3.57. They incur 2.75 points of deductions. Their final competition score will be:
- (35.2 + 3.57) / 42.5 = 0.9122 x 100 = 91.22% TOTAL TEAM SCORE
- 91.22 – 2.75 = 88.47 FINAL COMPETITION SCORE
Team C is a Mini Novice Team with a Raw Score Max of 18. They score a total of 13.1 for their direct scores. Their Routine Creativity & Showmanship scores, which are averaged, are scored as 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8 by the three judges, giving them an averaged score of 3.7. They incur no infractions. Their final competition score will be:
- (13.1 + 3.7) / 18 = 0.933 x 100 = 93.33% TOTAL TEAM SCORE
- 93.33 – 0 = 93.33 FINAL COMPETITION SCORE
Team D is a Youth Hip Hop Dance Team with a Raw Score Max of 80. They score 64 points for their routine, but incur a 0.5 deduction. Their final competition score will be:
- 64 / 80 = 0.8 x 100 = 80% TOTAL TEAM SCORE
Legality Queries
All legality queries should be submitted to the IASF (International All-Star Federation) for official rulings. For an official ruling please contact IASF at the appropriate email below:
Dance Queries: [email protected]
Cheer Queries: [email protected]
REMEMBER: Every email should include your Country, Division and a single (x1) clear video of your queried element. The email should be answerable with one word: LEGAL or ILLEGAL.
Coaches wishing to query out-of-division penalties on-site at a Legacy Cheer and Dance event based on an official IASF ruling will be required to provide the video and official ruling at the On Point Scoring (OPS) desk. Specifically, this is a direct email from [email protected] or [email protected] (not a forwarded email). Remember, official IASF rulings are made based on the skill as performed in your video, and any change in execution later may lead to a different ruling.
On Point Scoring (OPS)
Legacy operates a fantastic scoring service for coaches during event days, On-Point Scoring (OPS). Here's how it works:
Coaches will be emailed ahead of the event (or will have access at the event via a printed hard copy) a document providing access via link/QR code to two key elements:
- OPS Closing Time Data – this table will be updated in real-time during the live event and informs coaches when division scoresheets have been sent out and, based on that timing, what time OPS closes to queries relating to that division.
- OPS Query Form – this form allows coaches to submit a query to the OPS team regarding their score, if they wish to have elements reviewed.
OPS allows queries regarding the following elements of your scoresheet only:
- Deductions
- Safety Infractions
- Difficulty Scores (Building or Tumbling/Jumps)
- Missing Scoresheets
On the live event day, coaches will be emailed, shortly after completion of each routine, details of any infractions/deductions incurred. A second email will come later, shortly after the whole division has finished, with the teams full scoresheet.
If coaches wish to raise an OPS query, they have 30 MINUTES from when scoresheets are issued to submit their query form.
Queries submitted outside of the 30-minute allowed time window may still be reviewed, but at OPS staff discretion, and will be a lower priority than queries coming in that are within their allowed time window.
Submission of digital forms are not compulsory, but it is helpful for our staff tracking. Coaches may approach the OPS desk to speak to someone in-person, but please note that coaches with enquiries relating to divisions which have finished within 30 minutes of the next upcoming awards will take priority.
Coaches who have not received a query response with a reasonable time frame, or who wish to discuss a response they have received via email, are welcome to approach the OPS desk to speak to someone in-person. Note that we allow only 1 follow-up conversation with the OPS team regarding each OPS query, and our staff may limit the length of these conversations – this is to prevent prolonged discussions and to allow fair opportunity for other coaches to have access to OPS. OPS decisions following face-to-face conversation are final.
Our OPS desk is always staffed by experienced judges who will always have access to recordings of each routine and are happy to discuss any queries you may have. Please remember that no more than 2 coaches per team should approach at one time, and as always, professional communication is an expectation and requirement for access to OPS.