Meet The Family: Holly Laverick
Oct 18, 2022Welcome back to Legacy's Meet the Family Series! Today, get to know behind the scenes with judge Holly!
What's your Name? Holly.
What is your role at Legacy? Overall Judge for Cheer & Dance.
Why did you want to join the Legacy Team? After competing at Legacy’s competitions and then retiring from coaching, what other family would I ever want to join? Whenever I competed or was coaching teams, each and every member of the Legacy team made me and my athletes feel part of something bigger than just cheer.
Tell us something we might not know about you? I debated in the House of Commons when I was younger.
What is your job when you are not at Competitions with Legacy? I am Operations Manager at Penzance Gymnastics Club.
What do you love most about cheerleading and dance? Seeing athletes faces as they finish their routines and scramble over each other to hug each other and celebrate. There is something about the cheer and dance world that nobody will ever understand unless they are in it. It’s a feeling that nobody can describe.
What do you wish you’d learnt sooner in life? Time gets quicker as you get older – use your hours and minutes wisely.
Do you have a ‘message’ in life and if so what is it? If it is meant to be, it will be – I am a firm believer that you are meant to be exactly where you are meant to be in each moment of the day.
What do you love about Legacy? How long have you got?!! The one thing I love most is the Legacy Family vibe. Everyone is in the arena for the same reason – our shared love of our incredible sport. There is no other family like the Legacy family. Also Legacy family hugs are the best!
How are you Living your Legacy today? I always try to make a difference every day to three things. My own life. Someone else’s life. And something that will benefit the world.
What book have you read lately that you’d recommend, and why? Start with Why by Simon Sinek. I love a good management book. And the content I take with me every day – why do I do what I do?
Do you have any pets? Yes – my 3 year old pug Petrie J
What was your first job? Sales Assistant at Bicester Outlet Village
Is there a teacher or coach who inspired you? Steve. My college teacher who passed away a few years ago. He was incredibly sassy, confident and just the best. He always gave 100% and was an incredible dancer.
What do you believe is the most important thing to be a great leader? To always muck in and be one of the team. Moving boxes? You got it! Setting up sprung floors? You got it! Hoovering carpet rolls? You got it!
How do you want others to feel when they are around you, or because they know you? I want them to know that I will always have their back no matter what. That I will always be there to listen and help whenever they need it. To make sure they know how much I love our friendship!
Thanks Holly, we loved hearing all about you and your love for Legacy, pugs and getting stuck in! What a great attitude to have.
Don't forget to give Holly your biggest smiles this season on the mat!
Team Legacy x
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