Meet The Family: Marisa
Dec 12, 2022Name?
Marisa Amato.
What is your role at Legacy?
Tabulation Lead.
Why did you want to join the Legacy Team?
I love the ethos and values of Legacy, and the fact that we are like a big family. The A's are amazing and inspiring women that I wanted to learn from, so to have that opportunity is amazing. Inspiring the next generation is something Legacy set out to do, which align with what I am trying to achieve as well.
Tell us something we might not know about you?
I am not only a cheerleader, but I am also a scientist and a science policy consultant, set out to change the world in my own little way, a journey I have taken to make an impact. I have recently became a member of the Science Cheerleaders, I am so privilege to become the first member outside of the US! Being a part of a group of super smart and beautiful women is such an honour!
What is your job when you are not at Competitions with Legacy?
I am a Science Policy Consultant.
What matters to you most in the world?
Kindness, support and honesty. Stereotyping needs to stop. We can be whoever we want to be and we should be kinder to one another, have the ability to support one another no matter how tough things get.
What do you love most about cheerleading and dance?
I love the freedom it brings and it helps me to relax my mind and just be in my own element. A way to express yourself and be a part of a team like feels like an extended family.
What do you wish you’d learnt sooner in life?
To not care about what other people say you can or cannot do. You should be free to do what you love and what others say really does not matter all that much. Live your life the way you want to live.
What’s the most important thing in life to your right now?
Good health of my friend and family, to reach my career goals, to find love and start a family.
Name 3 people your like to have over for dinner and why? Also what would you cook them?
Sir David Attenborough, Sir Alec Jefferys and Prof. Sarah Gilbert.
I don’t really enjoy cooking so I probably will need to hire a private chef!
Do you have a ‘message’ in life and if so what is it?
An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. So when life is dragging back with difficulties, it means that it’s going to launch you into something great. So just focus, and keep aiming.
What can you do today that you couldn’t do a year ago?
When was the last time you tried something new?
I am always trying to find new things to try so hard to pin point the last time.
What do you love about Legacy?
The fact that we are like one big family that are there to support each other and cheering each other on.
How are you Living your Legacy today?
By doing what I preach. Be true to myself always.
What book have you read lately that you’d recommend, and why?
Vaxxer. Amazing story written by two incredible female scientists who had to deal with so much yet managed to help create a vaccine that saved lives during this awful COVID-19 pandemic.
If you could spend the day with anyone (past or present), who would it be and why? What would you ask them?
This is a tough one. But I would probably say JLo, because she is another inspiring women that had to deal with a lot of things in life that are so tough and I’d like to know how she stayed so strong and became so successful.
What is the most important failure you’ve had, and what did you learn from it?
This is another tough one. I have failed so many times and I used to hate failures! But I have learnt that without failures you cannot truly appreciate success. Failures helps us learn and grow, as well as become better and stronger.
Do you have an embarrassing moment you can share?
So many but quite hard to explain with text haha! There was one time that I was performing during my heel dance class and I slipped, but I basically bounce right back and made it look it was on purpose….gracefully.
What truly makes you have a joyful laugh?
When I am spending quality time with my loved ones and just goofing around.
Do you have any pets?
No but would love to have a dog someday, but I am way too busy to be able to provide a happy home for a pet.
What was your first job?
My first ever job was a community/publishing executive at a social media marketing/advertising start-up company.
Is there a teacher or coach who inspired you?
Mr East and Mr Biggs (Maths teachers).
What do you believe is the most important thing to be a great leader?
Empathy, ability to help people grow and develop. Know when to make the tough decision but also be understanding. Mostly importantly be a great communicator.
How do you want others to feel when they are around you, or because they know you?
I want people to feel joy when they are around me. I really love it when someone once described me as the person who brings the sunshine when walking into a room. That was so heart warming.
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