Meet The Family: Elisabeth Williams
Oct 25, 2022Up next we have Elisabeth who will tell us all about her love for Maths, gymnastics and why she needed to buy some emergency jeans once!
Name: Elisabeth Williams
What is your role at Legacy? Tumble Judge
Why did you want to join the Legacy Team? I had finished my competitive career, but wasn't completely ready to leave cheer! Legacy is everything I stand for as a person, so it felt like a natural move across.
Tell us something we might not know about you? I'm fully ambidextrous! When I really concentrate, I can write two different words at the same time!!
What is your job when you are not at Competitions with Legacy? I'm a Maths teacher. Nerd and proud!
What matters to you most in the world? Family, friends, and faith. As so long as I have those, my heart will always be full.
What do you love most about cheerleading and dance? There is a place for everyone.
What do you wish you’d learnt sooner in life? Be who you are. Those who matter will love you as you are. Those who don't, don't matter.
What’s the most important thing in life to your right now? My beautiful little family.
Name 3 people your like to have over for dinner and why? The Obamas (they are a package deal so count as one!). I am in awe of their personal journeys, triumphs, and hard times; they are people I would learn so much from. Our late Queen, as she would have so many wise words and stories to tell. Mary Berry, because she is actual goals!! As to what I'd cook, it would be something traditional, like a beef wellington (probably one of Mary Berry's recipes!)
Do you have a ‘message’ in life and if so what is it? I am a self doubter, so the quote I like to remind myself of is; The expert in anything, was once a beginner.
What can you do today that you couldn’t do a year ago? Face certain situations with more confidence and experience.
When was the last time you tried something new? My job role has a lot of new additional responsibilities this year, so every day is a new voyage of discovery.
What do you love about Legacy? The staff, and the ethos.
How are you Living your Legacy today? Through my children, and my job. As a mum, I strive to build my children's confidence, helping them to become strong women. As a teacher, my job is to shape and nurture the future, which is a true privilege.
What book have you read lately that you’d recommend, and why? Anything by Bob Goff. His books are some of my favourite. I also absolutely loved Michelle Obama's book, Becoming.
If you could spend the day with anyone (past or present), who would it be and why? I honestly don't know who I would pick (I'm still mulling it over), but it would be someone who I could learn a lot from. Someone who could pass on their wise words, open my mind, and help me grow as a person. I would hope this person would help me make wiser decisions in the future, and encourage me to reflect in a different way.
What is the most important failure you’ve had, and what did you learn from it? I don't like to think of failures as failures, but more lessons and opportunities to grow. I've had some challenging moments in my life, and have found that these were the times I grew the most. We don't grow when we coast, or are comfortable. We grow when we are challenged, or when things don't go to plan. We quickly have to learn, reflect, and adapt. Although difficult at the time, I am thankful for every challenge I have faced.
Do you have an embarrassing moment you can share? When our eldest was a newborn, I had braved a girls' lunch out. I was burping her on my knee after a feed. She proceeded to throw up into my crotch, making it look like I had wet myself. To make matters worse, I had no way of concealing this, so had to continue rocking this look until I could purchase a new pair of jeans! Needless to say, I got many sorrowful and sympathetic looks!!
What truly makes you have a joyful laugh? My two children - they are absolutely bonkers!
Do you have any pets? We have a teeny puppy called Apollo. He is a teacup chihuahua/Chinese crested cross. He looks like a miniature fox!
What was your first job? Gymnastics coach.
Is there a teacher or coach who inspired you? There are many. Some were strict, some were kind, some were soft spoken, and some were strong with their words. I liked some more than others, but all taught me very important lessons. Although I hate to admit it with some, all knew what was best for me, even if I didn't see it.
What do you believe is the most important thing to be a great leader? To lead from the front, with encouragement, positivity, vision, empathy, and understand, inspiring others to come with you. True leaders don't bark orders, they link arms and move together as one.
How do you want others to feel when they are around you, or because they know you? I always hope that I make people's lives better in some way. Whether it is an encouraging word, smile, laugh, or hug.
Wow what wise and wonderful words Elisabeth had for us there!
Thank you so much for taking some time out of your busy home/work life schedule to talk to us and we cant wait to see you again Judging our tumbles at this seasons competitions.
Oh and we will 100% be asking for a demo on the ambidextrous hand writing!
Team Legacy x
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