Meet The Family: Alek Zales

alektannerzales cheerblog cheerleading legacy2022 legacyblog legacycheeranddance meetthefamily Nov 11, 2022

On todays Meet The Family we will be chatting to Alek who you'll all know from warm up! He is going to give us some wise and calming words of wisdom plus we will find out which famous pussycat doll could be a distant relative of Aleks! 

Name? Alek Tanner Zales

What is your role at Legacy? I mainly work in warm up, but I also have recently started taking on more responsibility during rig and de-rig which is so much fun!

Why did you want to join the Legacy Team? I actually came BACK to Legacy. The A’s have created a very wholesome, family dynamic that I have never experienced at a competition before. Everyone here is willing to help no matter how big or small!

Tell us something we might not know about you? I have had lung surgery twice!

What is your job when you are not at Competitions with Legacy? I am an SEO Content for Cunard (Carnival UK)

What matters to you most in the world? My own self spirt and love! I know that I am the most important person to myself and the best way I can be there for everyone else, is to be there for me!

What do you love most about cheerleading and dance? The fact that it’s not about one singular person but everyone working together as a unit, showing impeccable camaraderie no matter the challenges.

What do you wish you’d learnt sooner in life? That it’s okay to not be okay. That sometimes, having a moment when you need to cry or let it out privately, is okay! And that the strongest people are the ones who allow themselves to feel vulnerable from time to time.

What’s the most important thing in life to your right now? My faith. It’s been a hard few years for many people with covid and personal struggles, knowing that I have a strong support group around me and my faith to God.

Name 3 people your like to have over for dinner and why? Also what would you cook them?

Martha Stewart – I LOVE this woman. How she created her own Omnimedia! Also so she can give me private cooking lessons! I would ask her about business acumen and how investments work.

Sun Tzu – An amazing Chinese military general (544BCE) – would be amazing to speak to an impeccable general who orchestrated one of the most strategic wars. Very intellectual and smart.

Nicole Scherzinger – She can teach me more about Hawaii and the culture! She comes from the same island as my grandparents!


I would cook duck a l’orange and I would make a Crème Brûlée for dessert! Putting the cooking skills that Martha will teach me to the test! ha

Do you have a ‘message’ in life and if so what is it? To understand that everyone’s path is different and that we can open ourselves up to amazing opportunities if we believe in yourself.

What can you do today that you couldn’t do a year ago? Understand Marketing SEO principle’s in my career

When was the last time you tried something new? I tried doing more things on my own! The other day I had dinner on my own and I felt very liberated to be able to be confident in my own company.

What do you love about Legacy? The atmosphere. Legacy will be a legacy like no other!

How are you Living your Legacy today? Inspiring at least one person a day!

What book have you read lately that you’d recommend, and why? The Art of War by Sun Tzu! It’s very interesting, you can apply his teachings to everyday life!

If you could spend the day with anyone (past or present), who would it be and why? What would you ask them? This is a hard question, I think there are many people who I would want to ask questions too. Maybe my great grandparents – I’d ask them about their time in Hawaii growing up! What it was like then and share what it is like now, it would be nice for them to sing to me in Hawaiian like they did when I was a kid!

What is the most important failure you’ve had, and what did you learn from it? I have had many failures; I can’t just say one as I think you always learn and grow. I think, over the last year, I have had to learn that the world does not revolve around me and that I need to start caring for other people. That’s why I decided to come back to Legacy! I learnt that I can learn from others around me and that we can grow together. I am now much more able to take feedback and learn from the mistakes! 

Do you have an embarrassing moment you can share? I did a double up one time, and I was sick and vomited everywhere – was the WORST

What truly makes you have a joyful laugh? My friends, being able to enjoy the moment!

Do you have any pets? Sadly no, but my best friends have dogs and I take theirs all the time!

What was your first job? I was a Visual Merchandising Assistant for New Look

Is there a teacher or coach who inspired you? I would say my best friend Charlotte, when she was cheering and she would coach me, she would always push me harder. Even when we were athletes together, she was always there to support me and comfort me!

What do you believe is the most important thing to be a great leader? Compassion, knowing how to comfort people in need, rise above challenges and remember that there is no I in team. That you lead by example!

How do you want others to feel when they are around you, or because they know you? Empowered, inspired – I want them to be able to know that they can accomplish anything.


Thanks so much Alek, you have made us feel super calm reading this so if anyone is panicked at warm up we will head straight to you to calm us back down! 

Team Legacy x

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